A Blog about Creating a Business & Life you Love
It's November and the holiday season is here - in social media, TV, stores and all the ads.
What are your first feelings when you think about the holidays coming? Don’t filter - just truly, what’s th...
Whenever I notice myself not sleeping, scrolling through a LOT of Instagram or constantly trying to fill my mind with someone else’s ideas - through a show or a podcast, I can guess that I’m unwilling...
As school districts and government officials make decisions about how to proceed with school this year, it looks like many of us will be helping our kids to complete schoolwork from home whether part ...
Are you ready for summer? In many ways, Covid created a blank slate in our lives. As we ease into summer and a return to some normalcy, have you decided what you will keep doing and what will change? ...
There is nothing in your email inbox, in the news, on Netflix, or in the government’s stimulus package that is going to truly come to our rescue during this crisis. Whatever is going on in your home...
I made my first Thanksgiving turkey yesterday - on December 15th. I’ve never hosted Thanksgiving, but the 12 place settings of china and silver I registered for at my wedding 25 years ago have been wh...
Have you ever looked back on a particularly disruptive, stressful time in your life and realized that it actually brought some needed progress because of the energy it required of you? When I look b...
Our bunny died on Saturday after some digestive issue kept him from peeing or pooping for 2 days - way too long for a rabbit, whose metabolism runs quickly. We had taken him to the vet and were admini...