How to Create Beautiful Branding for your Business in just ONE day...
Even if you're not sure what you want and don't know how to do it.
Introducing...a virtual, hands on guided retreat that will transform your marketing efforts...
Be recognizable.
If you’ve started a business and are posting, promoting or sending any kind of information, you need to get your branding settled. As your body of work grows, your marketing message is enhanced by the visual. You are becoming known for more that just your words. The look of everything you do could be cohesive from the start if you settle on your brand look and feel now.

Here's what you'll accomplish:
Understand how to gather inspiration that reflects your style & personality while also resonating with your ideal client.
Learn how to use Canva to choose colors and fonts, create a logo, and design graphics to use in your marketing without getting lost or wasting time.
Transform the look of your website and other platforms, social media posts, landing pages, and printed material and products by finally having a template to follow.
Simplify your workflows and end design decision fatigue by having a plan to apply to everything you create.
Most of all, increase your brand recognition so your ideal client knows it’s you before they even read a word.
Save time & money
You can hire me to do your branding for $500+ OR you can learn how to create a beautiful brand guide AND use Canva to create all the graphics you'll need for you business - social media posts, banners, and written content. I'm teaching you to fish, mama and we are going to do it in a special way!Â
If you're going to do hard work learning something new, you might as well make it beautiful, inspiring and enjoyable. This is WHY I've designed the Brand Beautiful Retreat.Â
It's virtual, focused, hands on and personal. You receive preparatory work so your brand will be well thought out and truly unique to YOU. Then I'll walk you step by step through creating your branding in Canva. Ask questions, share your screen, and get it done in community all in one day!
I can't wait to spend this time with you!
Be first to hear about the next workshopWhat participants are saying about the retreat...

Lisa Gates - Life Coach
"You won’t be disappointed! Do it."

Mary White - Life and Health Coach
"The Brand Beautiful Retreat is a wonderful introduction to working on your branding, getting creating and really finding out what you like as far as fonts, colors, etc. to express your unique self in your business."
Make a decision to get this done now & you will thank yourself.
One of the best things I did when starting my business years ago was having my branding first. I can't tell you how many times people have said, "I knew it was you the minute I saw that." My brand has a look and feel that has stood the test of time because it was created personally, intentionally and with care.Â