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To Everything there is a Season - Navigating the Empty Nest empty nest homeschooling moms parenting Dec 02, 2023

I just watched a video on Instagram of a woman cooking dinner in her farmhouse with lots of little kids. There are messes, and noisy voices and children helping to make homemade bread, spilling...

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Who before How business coaching homeschooling Jan 27, 2023
What are you thinking about that you feel ill-equipped to even start? That idea - the one where you use your gifts to serve others in a way that feels exciting and creative to you? The one that...
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YOU are the Hero of this Story covid homeschooling Apr 02, 2020

There is nothing in your email inbox, in the news, on Netflix, or in the government’s stimulus package that is going to truly come to our rescue during this crisis. Whatever is going on in...

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August: Mid-summer or the Beginning of Back-to-School? homeschooling Jul 31, 2019

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I hope you’ve had a relaxing summer full of all your favorite summer fun. For me that’s relaxing mornings with all my kids at home, toes in the sand...

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Why summertime is the BEST time to give your kids CHORES! chores homeschooling Jun 08, 2019

We lived in an old house - a rental that was broken in many ways - old metal windows let in the cold and, during the rainy winters, the moisture made the brick wall in the kitchen drip white...

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