Welcoming Grown Children Home for the Holidays
Nov 27, 2023
No one will be sitting on Santa's lap this year and they probably won't want to make crafts, decorate cookies, or read Christmas picture books. They aren't yet married with their own families. So what do you do with young adult kids who come home for the holidays? There will be cell phones, Netflix and childhood friends to see. I'm all for letting go of the past and encouraging our children to live their adult lives. I just want to know how we can make the time we DO spend together FUN and SPECIAL. How do we, as moms, shift out of old traditions and make new ones? How do we make our homes and family time the best option for our kids so we can continue to make memories together?
Last year, I asked my social media community and in person friends for advice about welcoming grown children home for the holidays. Here are ideas I gathered and implemented in my own home as my 5 children, ages 17-25 arrived. They are coming again this year and I'm already thinking about how I want to welcome them.
Comfortable bed and room that’s personal - lamps, bedside tables, throw, fluffy towels and
Cozy sofa and enough seating for all
Big coffee table for food, drinks, & feet!
Dart board
Cards and game table - classic games
Food - drinks, snacks, nachos, fondue, holiday treats, favorite meals from years past, special
dishes for Christmas eve or morning - fruit soup, danish puffs, cinnamon rolls, put cinnamon or
nutmeg in coffee grounds
Gather in the kitchen while making dinner - serve wine - trade off help with chopping, peeling or
washing dishes
Advent wreath and scripture reading
Eggnog, Christmas music, fire and decorate the tree
Make cookies together
Watch old videos and look at pictures from childhood
Watch Christmas and funny movies
Classical Christmas music in background - Handel’s Messiah or Bach’s Christmas Oratorio
Christmas jammies
Allow for rest - sleeping in, watching football, doing solo activities, naps
Hot cocoa and drive to see lights
Deliver gifts to neighbors and friends
Outdoor activities - walks, hikes, sightseeing esp a tradition of walking at the same place each
year, skiing, snowshoeing
Local special events - tree lighting, luminaria, parades, festivals
Attend a concert or show
Pair up kids to plan a day for everyone
Go out for appetizers and drinks together
Spa day
Print out my 5 Secrets to Creating a Home your Grown Children Can't Wait to Visit. Tell me! What are your FAVORITE ways to spend time over the holidays with your young adult children? Are there traditions that have endured into these big kid years? What new activities have you added that everyone enjoys?