I used to say that my house was the only one where you might accidentally step in poop INSIDE!
I’d like to say that I never lost my temper over this disgusting situation, but I did give a few furious cold showers to kids who were old enough to take care of business but chose to make messes anyway. Needless to say, by the time my youngest was at potty training age, I had given up. I decided she would eventually figure it out, that my kids must be genetically predisposed to soil their pants until kindergarten and that I was never going to find success. So my youngest wore pull ups until she was 5. And, since she was clearly old enough to take them on and off herself, we would find wet pull-ups under beds, behind the couch, in the car…. It wasn’t a much better deal than the potty training thing.
My kids were never mean to one another, but they did have a lot of laughs making up nicknames like “Smudge McDougal” and songs about our ongoing dilemma,
“Nasty Little Baby, what we gonna do with you. Every time you pee or poo you make me come and change you. Nasty little baby, what we gonna do with you?”
There were more hilarious verses, but I’ll spare you. The truth is, that nasty baby was so loved, the musicians named their band, Babies in the Sink, after her.

So not everything in our home was pretty schoolrooms, art projects, cozy reading time, and nature outings. My house was not clean all the time either. So, if you follow me, listen to my free classes or even join my new course, I will have LOTS of good advice for you, lots of empathy for how difficult the job of teaching and parenting is, but there will definitely not be a lesson about “How to successfully potty train your children in 5 easy steps.” Sorry to let you down.
My kids are 13-21 now. All of them use the potty. And if we step in poop in our house now, it’s because I’ve allowed a bunny to live in our laundry room.