Create the Homeschool Atmosphere of your Dreams
(without feeling overwhelmed by housework, wondering if you are choosing the best activities or curriculum, or worrying about how to meet everyone's needs - including your own)
If you’re homeschooling, you are looking to give your children the BEST education while creating an atmosphere in your home that encourages what you value most.
And if you've been doing it for 5 minutes, you already know that you need to create order in your home to support your efforts.
You understand that managing a home - the cleaning, the laundry, the meal prep is a full-time job for a growing family.
As a mother, you know that tending to the emotional and physical needs of young children requires you to be at your best - calm, patient, and wise. So hard to do when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Add home educating those precious people in your care to the mix, and you've got a very full plate, mama.
Even if you are already happy with your homeschool activities and lesson plans, creating an atmosphere in your home that supports what you are doing will:
You have little kids! If it was clean at all this week, it was for 5 minutes last Saturday when you got everyone to help clean before dinner guests arrived. But most days, you never catch up and, trying to fit math lessons and stories in before it's time to go to gymnastics or little league means you are lucky to get the laundry put away before you fall into bed each night, let alone have everything tidy.
Your playgroup is going on a nature outing but the baby was up all night and your two year old is supposed to be potty training. The lady from the co-op is waiting to hear back about your plans for next Fall but you're so far behind in Math and Science you're wondering how you'll ever fit another commitment into the schedule. You had a vision - and it seemed so clear at that last conference, but it's blurry right now. It looks so idealic on Instagram - do those mothers really have such peaceful lives?
We all wonder at times, is this bad behavior a growth spurt, developmental, some unmet emotional need, or does my child have a serious character flaw? How do you parent with patience, wisdom and strength when kids are constantly changing?
It's easy to think that if we could just become more efficient or disciplined at doing the cleaning, laundry and meal-planning, it would all get done.
Here's the truth, mama: Even Superwoman would be overwhelmed.
You don't need to do it all yourself. Involving your children in everyday tasks give them important life skills and builds character. Why would you leave that out of what you are teaching in your homeschool?
It's tempting to look outside ourselves to the "experts" for the perfect books, activities, and classes.
Here's the thing: No one knows and loves your child like you do. Your enthusiasm for learning, your time and individual attention is what they need most.
Curriculum is an important tool but connection, building relationships and memories, finding joy in experiencing the beautiful things in life will stay with them for a lifetime.
You're busy. And tired. Getting a shower is a luxury some days.
But you are a person. In your home, you are the Golden Goose. Your mindset and attitude is the most influential part of your homeschool and when you understand yourself and how to meet your own needs, only then can you coach your children and support them.
You admire homes with beautiful furnishings and decor but you don't have the time, money or know-how to create them while homeschooling little children.
But you don't have to wait to have a home you love.
I'll show you how to arrange the furnishings you already own to create rooms that are inviting and inspiring. With just a few tips, you can create a home you love on any budget.
Mastering the art of creating a truly lovely home atmosphere while homeschooling is a tall order. Most people won't try it. They will do one or the other - homeschool in chaos or take care of the home while sending their kids to school. But I know you - this is a calling for you.
You see managing the home as part of your job and you want to be good at it.
You want to spend quality time with your children teaching them not only traditional subjects but experiencing art, nature and stories together.
You want to parent from wisdom and you know that your mindset and attitude will set the tone. The question is, who will be YOUR coach, encourager and guide while you play those roles for your children?
I've put everything I learned while raising and homeschooling 5 children into this course because I want you to LOVE your life as a mom!
Love your Homeschool…
1. Teaches you how to involve your children in managing the home.
2. Shows you how to choose the activities and lessons in your homeschool that feed not only the mind, but the soul.
3. Helps YOU become wise so you can become a life-changing coach to your children.
4. Shows you how to create a beautiful home on any budget so your family and friends feel welcome and inspired.
So if you’re ready to manage your home and direct your homeschool with confidence, wisdom and joy,
Home Management doesn't need to get in the way of living - it can be a beautiful part of what you are teaching your children. In this module, you will learn how to get the cleaning, meal prep, and laundry done so you don't feel overwhelmed anymore.
Module Highlights:
Once the basics of home management are in place we get to create an atmosphere in the home that supports what we value most. We do this with furnishings and decor, but also with experiences beyond the typical school subject areas. Here's where the magic of home education happens - in the activities that enrich our minds and souls and that build lasting connections and memories.
Module Highlights:
Your own personal growth directly affects the atmosphere in your home.
Module Highlights:
You get the Love your Homeschool Course - all 3 modules on Home Management, Atmosphere, and Mindset for $397.
3 Monthly Payments of
One payment of
And I KNOW that if you implement just a few of the ideas I share here, you will enjoy this season of life with your children even more!
So I offer a 30-Day guarantee.
When you begin to implement the strategies taught in Module 1, you will feel so much more empowered and confident. Your family's schedule will reflect your values and you won't feel so alone in managing your home. Doing the laundry, cleaning the house and getting meals on the table is a big job in the midst of homeschooling, but it will feel less overwhelming because you'll have a plan and support to get it all done.
If, in the first 30 days, you don't find these strategies helpful for you, just send me an email explaining why and I'll refund your money.
What people ask before signing up for Love your Home School - click the red arrows to read answers.
Of course you don't! You have a full plate, taking care of your family, managing your home and teaching! But can you spend 20 minutes a couple of days a week, investing in your own personal growth? If you could fill your cup with a bit of encouragement and coaching, do you think you'd be more effective in your role? What if learning how to delegate jobs and enlist support from your family gave you back some time? And you can listen on your phone from anywhere.
True! I'll bet if you counted them, you'd realize that you are gathering ideas and inspiration from many people and companies through email, Instagram accounts, Pinterest boards, and Facebook Forums, not to mention magazines, books, and conferences! But how do you pull all these ideas together? How do you take action in a focused, step-by-step way to improve your home and family life? When you walk through a process with coaching from an experienced mom who is committed to your success you can make progress more quickly.
I get it. Your focus is on educating your children right now, not having a Martha Stewart home. However, a messy home, piles of laundry, and the daily grind of feeding everyone can be draining. When left to chance, these realities can create tension and frustration. The goal of creating strategies to get them done is not to emphasize them, but rather to keep them from getting in the way of the beautiful and meaningful activities we want to spend time on. We will transform them from burdens to blessings as I show you how to incorporate these life skills into your homeschool routine. Module 2 covers curriculum ideas.
I'm not advocating any one method of homeschooling. My own homeschool was a bit classical in terms of curriculum choices but very Charlotte Mason in the way our day flowed. What I'm teaching here is a way to see education the way Charlotte Mason described it as "an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life." We create an atmosphere in our homes by making them orderly and inviting, teaching our children to participate in that goal. We parent with wisdom by knowing ourselves well and coaching our children. An we bring learning into all areas of life - not only learning math, history and writing, but by enjoying nature, music, art, and stories through time spent together which leads to traditions and shared memories. It all belongs together and can be applied to any core methodology or faith background.
You're right! It IS a lot of information. What started out as a course about Home Management blossomed into Modules about home atmosphere and the beautiful, soul-enriching activities that made our home a creative, joy-filled place over the years. The more I thought about what built memories and strong relationships, the more I realized that I couldn't just talk about a tidy home, I HAD to include all the goodness. The personal growth I went through as a parent was a huge factor in how our home felt and it determined the quality of the relationships in our family. Yes, it's a lot. But you do not need to implement all of it. Take what works for you and your family now. Consider other aspects of the course as your family grows and changes. You have lifetime access to this course. It's like a good book you can revisit over and over again. I'll be cheering you on as you make it your own.
YES! I'm opening it all up immediately upon purchase. The modules build upon one another, so it works well to implement them in order, giving time for you to process the ideas and make them a part of your home life in your unique way but I want you to be able to go to the topics that would be most relevant to you during this unique time in our world. I know you can make great progress while life has slowed down.
If the course is not a good fit for you, I will refund your money. Here's how that works: If, anytime in the first 30 days from purchase, you listen to the lessons and either do the worksheets or try out the ideas and it is just NOT a fit for you, you can send me an email explaining what you didn't like and why and I will immediately refund your money.
After 30 days, the course is not refundable. I just KNOW that you are going to find value here - in some aspect of my 17 years of homeschooling and 25 years of parenting. You are not me, but these ideas can be shaped to fit YOUR style and gifts and I can't wait to see what you create!
Sure! Here are the details...
You get the Love your Homeschool Course - all 3 modules on Home Management, Atmosphere, and Mindset for $397 plus a FREE 1:1 coaching session with Jill.
3 Monthly Payments of
One payment of
Remember, you get to create the home you've always wanted for your family. You can do it - I'd love to help.
You get lifetime access to the Love your Homeschool Course - all 3 modules on Home Management, Atmosphere, and Mindset for $397 - less than the cost to attend a conference. AND, a free 1:1 coaching session with Jill via Zoom.
3 Monthly Payments of
One payment of
50% Complete
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